Friday, June 15, 2007

Cam's Grad party

This was a really special day for Cameron and for me. I had a lot of tears today. The class had a Grad party for Cameron and it was wonderful. I mentioned when I was thanking people for all they have done for Cameron that when he was 4 we had a MAP session. At that time I was asked what were my hopes for Cameron's future. I hope that he would grow up strong, learn to communicate and make good friends. Well he has done that and more. Cameron has had a profound impact on a lot of peoples lives. He will be remembered for years to come by many of these people who worked with him in school. Joyce who was at the MAP session when Cameron was 4 came today to see him Graduate. What a wonderful team of people have helped Cameron during his school years.

Cameron and his Intervenor Willie - she has worked with Cam for 8 years and she is so wonderful. I named this blog after Willie
" Intervention at it's best" We are going to miss her but now she can be Cam's friend.

Cameron and Harry - Harry is a good friend of Cameron's. He spoke about how much Cam means to him. It was very touching.

Cam and Reese - Reese is also a good friend to Cameron. He read a great poem and spoke about how important Cam's friendship is to him.
The kids all ate pizza and had cake.
Cam gave out Grad pictures and he got some very thoughtful gifts.

Shelia got him a wonderful drum.
The class room kids made him a set of beads, each kid has their own bead to symbolize them. They also gave him a great class picture signed and another class picture with all the staff.

Beth and Chris gave him a vibrating neck massage thing that he can operate with a remote. He will love that.

It was a great day and I am moved beyond words at what great friends Cameron has made at school.
Shelley - Cam's Mom


Peg-woolinmysoup said...

Congratulations, Cam! A big hug for those who are there with you, Cam!
Best of luck in your new ventures!

Cameron said...

What a special day it was and a true celebration of Cameron! Brings goosebumps ever time I think about it. Thanks, Shelley,for your wonderful write-up of a gathering for a wonderful guy!

Cameron said...

Oh, I seem to be posting from Cameron's account...the last comment which says it's from Cameron (and this one two) are actually from me....Sheila

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Cameron, on your achievement and on the beginning of a new time in your life!