Monday, July 23, 2007

Lots is going on

I haven't put a post on Cameron's blog in a while as I have been verrrrry busy. Cam's day program is going well. We have 2 new people to work with Cameron Kim and Shelley V. Both are being trained still by Melysa and myself. It is a busy time for sure. Cam has been making soap, bath teas and dog biscuits and selling them in the store and at the market. He continues to help me at the store by doing the mailing and the banking for me. That is a big help.

Cameron really understands his routine. Last week we were doing some video taping of Cameron's routine while I as training Kim. We took him to the Post Office, now normally I am working at the store so I don't go with him, but this day I was there. He was quite annoyed I was there and he only cooperated when it was time for him to actually give me the mail. He just shoved it at me as if to say " Here is your *&%*&$#@ mail." You see his job is to give me the mail. I have no business going with him to get the mail. He told me!!