Friday, June 13, 2008

Cam's New Intervenor

Zach is Cam's new intervenor. They are getting to know each other. They are just finishing an order of soap for Deafblind Services. I am sure you will be hearing from Zach soon.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


It has been a while since I posted about Cameron. His day program is going quite well. We have had changes in staff and I think everything is stable for now(I hope that didn't jinx it)
Melysa is still working with Cam and we have a new guy Tom working with him also. It is nice for Cameron to have a man working with him. He has always been very surrounded by women, so this is a nice change for him.
The first day I introduced Cam to Tom I was showing Tom a few of the physical activities we do with Cameron. One is standing in the corner with his walker in front of him. He generally rocks the walker a bit while he stands. This day he was rocking it wildly. Next I showed Tom how I work with Cameron in the bars - well Cameron was hanging on with one hand and horsing around. I had never seen him act like that and then I realized he was showing off for Tom. It was really neat that he had a guy to show off for. It also amazes me that this behavior is hard wired into a guy. Cameron doesn't have any peer pressure , TV, media or even people influences to pick up the behavior of showing off.
We are working on a calendar system for Cameron. A Calendar system is a system of communication of a sequence of events that happen in the day. It is a group of object cues that are paired with an activity and placed in a box in the sequence these activities will take place.
When we plan our day we think about the order we will do things and then set out to do it. For Cameron a deafblind person that is very reliant on others for actvities he has little input into his day. The calendar systems shows him which activities he will be doing and the order which they will happen. Ultimately he will learn how to make choices of activities and gain some power over what happens in his day.
The other day I was working with Cam and going through the calendar box to tell him he was going to have a bath, then brush his teeth, then go to bed.
He took the entire calendar box and dumped it on the floor. Now I wasn't sure if he was telling me to stuff the calendar box routine or if he really didn't want the bath and to go to bed. I think he is getting the concept of choice making.
I will try and keep up with this blog a bit better.
Shelley _ Cam's Mom

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Cameron’s Soap in Australia

My name is Sheila and I have known the wonderful Cameron for several years now. For the past two years, I was his consultant through the Provincial Outreach Program for Students with Deafblindness. Now that he has graduated from high school and has transitioned into adult services, I too am transitioning - from consultant to friend. I am always awe-inspired by Cameron: by his accomplishments and by his strength. He communicates very clearly what he likes and dislikes. I watched this with fascination at a family retreat/camp this summer, as Cameron became extremely interested in a fantastic homemade instrument made out of PVC tubing. He communicated without question that his new found object of great intrigue and interest was his and it was going with him. The music facilitator could clearly see what Cameron was communicating, and indeed very kindly gave it to him.
I have always been very interested in and inspired by what Cameron and his Intervenors make together: particularily dog biscuits and soap. So when I knew for certain that I was going to Australia this past September to attend an international conference on deafblindness, I also knew for sure that I would be taking some of Cameron’s soap with me. One of the items that Cameron creates is a soap in the shape of a hand. This brings tears every time I look at it, as hands have so much significance and meaning to a person who is deafblind. I wanted to give this particular soap to the people that had been involved in the organization of such a wonderful event. Bringing people together from all over the world who are deafblind or who are working in a myriad of capacities with people with deafblindness. I also knew I would give it to people who greatly impressed me with the way in which their lives were intertwined with the lives of people who are deafblind. I took ten soaps with me and the people that I gave the soap to were visibly thrilled, impressed and touched by the story of the young man who had made it. And it hit home for me the impact Cameron has on all that meet him in person or through the amazing products he makes. Thank you, Cameron!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Cameron at the Market

This Saturday the girl that works with Cameron was sick so I spent the day with him. It was nice. I got to take him to the market and we sold Soap , Bath Teas and Dog biscuits there. The market was pretty quite so we didn't sell much but he had fun anyways. Cameron has always loved going to the market. There was a band playing very close to us and I am sure he could feel the vibration. He played with his block and hummed between customers. The rest of the day he spent with me at the Yarn Shop. He was my helper.
It is turning to fall here so now we need to get busy making items for the Christmas Fairs.
Cam's Mom - Shelley

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Off to Family Camp

We are leaving today to go to Deafblind Family camp. I will take pictures and write all about it when we come back. Family camp is great fun for all of us. Cameron really enjoys all the activities and I love meeting with the only people in the world who actually understand living with Deafblindness and it is OK.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Lots is going on

I haven't put a post on Cameron's blog in a while as I have been verrrrry busy. Cam's day program is going well. We have 2 new people to work with Cameron Kim and Shelley V. Both are being trained still by Melysa and myself. It is a busy time for sure. Cam has been making soap, bath teas and dog biscuits and selling them in the store and at the market. He continues to help me at the store by doing the mailing and the banking for me. That is a big help.

Cameron really understands his routine. Last week we were doing some video taping of Cameron's routine while I as training Kim. We took him to the Post Office, now normally I am working at the store so I don't go with him, but this day I was there. He was quite annoyed I was there and he only cooperated when it was time for him to actually give me the mail. He just shoved it at me as if to say " Here is your *&%*&$#@ mail." You see his job is to give me the mail. I have no business going with him to get the mail. He told me!!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Courage to Succeed Award

On Tuesday Cameron's last day of school ever he was presented with an award. All of the kids and parent's were in the gym for the awards ceremony. It was a nice ceremony and it was wonderful to see all of these teenagers getting awards for honors or athletics. Cameron and another boy were both awarded the Courage to Succeed award.

Willie Cam's Intervenor presented Cameron the award. She spoke about him being Deafblind and how he had overcome so much in his life, she spoke about how happy he was and how much he had learned over the years in school. I was with Cameron and very focused on taking him up to receive his award and then I noticed the audience - they were very silent and listening and understanding what a wonderful unique person Cameron is. I also noticed a lot of tears. People were very touched by this. When Willie said his name and we went up to get the award all of the audience gave him a wonderful standing ovation. I was moved to tears to say the least.

I am so impressed on the wonderful effect Cameron has on people. He has been such a respected member of his school. I am a very proud Mom.